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Typesense Search for WooCommerce

Introducing Typesense Search for WooCommerce, an exceptional premium addon that enhances the functionality of the free Search with Typesense plugin.

Experience the power of Typesense as it turbocharges your WooCommerce site search, delivering an unparalleled search-as-you-type experience. With instant and lightning-fast product searching, your users will enjoy a seamless and efficient browsing experience on your site.

But that’s not all. Our addon also introduces advanced filtering and sorting options that surpass the default features provided by WooCommerce. With Typesense Search for WooCommerce, you can effortlessly bridge the gap between your WooCommerce site and the powerful Typesense search engine, revolutionizing the way your customers discover and explore your products.

Premium Features

Lightning fast search for your WooCommerce site, powered by Typesense.

Lightning-fast Product Search

The plugin turbocharges your WooCommerce site’s search functionality with Typesense providing search-as-you-type experience. Provides search result within miliseconds.


Replace Shop Page

By default, the shop page is replaced with the search box and result provided by the plugin with fast filtering and sorting options which are swifter than the default widgets provided by WooCommerce


Autocompletion search

Autocomplete search provides the instant drop-down list of product results as you type. You can replace WooCommerce search widget and block to provide a quick intuitive search form that users can get instant results.


WPML Compatible

Compatible with WPML – to provide multi-lingual – fast – e-commerce experience,

WPML Compatible

Developer Friendly

The addon is coded with security and coding standards in mind. It provides hooks and filter for customization and template overwriting for design customization.


*** Typesense Search for WooCommerce Changelog ***

= 1.7.9 =
* Fix: CSS issues on responsive devices.

= 1.7.8 =
* Fix: body scroll not working on responsive devices

= 1.7.7 Sep 16,2024 =
* Fix: Fix the mulitple `div` structure instance to work properly

= 1.7.6 Sep 11,2024 =
* Update: Add new type for refinement: dropdown

= 1.7.5 Aug 14,2024 =
* Update: New filter `cm_tsfwc_current_category` to disable pre selection of category in category archive page

= 1.7.4 Aug 14,2024 =
* Update: New filter `cm_tsfwc_additonal_replace_conditions` to disable replacement in category archive pages

= 1.7.3 Aug 8,2024 =
* Fix: Indexing of average rating values if it\’s rendered as string

= 1.7.2 Apr 2,2024 =
* Fix: Add class `cmtsfwc-NextButton–disabled` when it\’s the last page of the result and hide the button
* Update: Update the mobile view design of instant search results widget
* Update: Remove `postedDate` from template data

= 1.7.1 Mar 21,2024 =
* Fix: Fix the typo in instanct search JS

= 1.7.0 Mar 21,2024 =
* Fix: Add validation for `additionalConfig`

= 1.6.9 Mar 20,2024 =
* Fix: Add validation for the added filter: `cm_tsfwc_additional_config`

= 1.6.8 Mar 19,2024 =
* Enhancement: Add filter `cm_tsfwc_additional_config`
* Enhancement: Add `preserve_filter_reset_on_archive` parameter to clear preselected filter on archive pages

= 1.6.7 Feb 7,2024 =
* Enhancement: Pass `tsfwInstance` to window global instace so user can hook event

= 1.6.6 Jan 11,2024 =
* Enhancement: Add option for infinite button on shortcode and admin settings

= 1.6.5 Dec 20,2023 =
* Fix: Fix the registration and localization of autocomplete.js
* Enhancement: Add option to turn off/on of autofocus
* Enhancement: Add hooks for localized data on autocomplete and instant-search JS

= 1.6.4 Sep 28,2023 =
* Enhancement: Added option to enable/disable routing
= 1.6.3 Aug 22,2023 =
* Enhancement: Show catalog according to paginated link displayed
= 1.6.2 Jun 23,2023 =
* Fix: Fix updated WooCommerce search block which is to be replaced by Autocomplete.

= 1.6.1 Jun 14,2023 =
* Enhancement: Update admin to use new js interface for smoother UI/UX experience.

= 1.6.0 May 30,2023 =
* Dev: Code refactoring for JS for future development.

= 1.5.0 May 03,2023 =
* Feature: Make Text match desc the default way products are sorted along with any additional sorting parameters
* Dev: Change how arguments are passed for hooks `cm_tsfwc_instant_search_results_main_panel` and `cm_tsfwc_instant_search_results_header_output` gradually change will be made for all other hooks as well

= 1.4.11 April 05,2023 =
* Dev: Added filter to modify shortcode parameters

= 1.4.10 April 03, 2023 =
* Dev: Fix warning for replace_product_search

= 1.4.9 February 28, 2023 =
* Update: Add to cart HTML generation changed to use the loop HTML instead. Indexing needed for this update to work.

= 1.4.8 February 22, 2023 =
* Feature: Add filter `cm_tsfwc_search_query_length` to search only after certain character length

= 1.4.7 February 17, 2023 =
* Fix: Updated Instant Search JS slight design issue for refinement list

= 1.4.6 February 09, 2022 =
* Fix: Minified script was generating error.

= 1.4.5 November 15, 2022 =

* Dev Fix: Popup not closing, added instructions for popup

= 1.4.4 September 22, 2022 =
* Feature: Add shortcode for autocomplete

= 1.4.3 September 20, 2022 =
* Feature: Added ability to either continue with default WooCommerce Product Search or Keep Search open
* Fix: Fixed popup on classic widget search form

= 1.4.2 August 30, 2022 =
* Feature: Added InstantSearch Popup option to replace default WooCommerce Search

= 1.4.1 August 26, 2022 =
* Hotfix: Multiple Attributes not showing

= 1.4.0 August 18, 2022 =
* (Major Update: See Blog post for more details)[https://www.codemanas.com/]
* Enhancement : HTML Structure changed to be more simplified and maintainable – following SUITS css naming convention
* Enhancement : Responsive devices redesign
* Enhancement : Templating structure

= 1.3.9 August 15, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Added Major update notification on plugin update page

= 1.3.8 July 20, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Chunk single index.js file into different chunks: autocomplete and instant-search; and only load them when required

= 1.3.7 July 13, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Add filter `cm_tsfwc_additional_autocomplete_params` to add additional parameters for autocomplete

= 1.3.6 July 12, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Add filter `cm_tsfwc_additional_search_params` to add additional parameters

= 1.3.5 July 11, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Add option to change category menu to hierarchical menu

= 1.3.4 May 23, 2022 =
* Dev Enhancement: Made plugin ready for multiple-site same cluster configuration

= 1.3.3 May 19, 2022 =
* Minor Fix: Update text domain for product attribute label

= 1.3.2 May 19, 2022 =
* WPML Fix: Sprintf incorrectly used.

= 1.3.1 May 18,2022 =
* Enhancement: Index products when stock is reduced

= 1.3.0 Apr 24, 2022 =
* Dev Enhancement: Switch to action hooks for templating for granular control
* Dev Enhancement: Javascript validation for missing facets / widgets

= 1.2.9 Apr 15, 2022 =
* Enhancement: WPML made query label translatable

= 1.2.8 Apr 13, 2022 =
* Dev Enhancement: Analytics Middleware added, so 3rd party developers can retrieve current search state and send to 3rd party analytics

= 1.2.7 Apr 12, 2022 =
* WPML Support: Make currentRefinements and clearRefinements translatable\”

= 1.2.6 Apr 11, 2022 =
* Dev Enhancement: add cm_tsfwc_locate_template filter to allow 3rd party plugin and page builders to allow editing templates

= 1.2.5 Apr 4, 2022 =
* Enhancement: Add filters to change facet settings and facet types
* Enhancement: Make it compatible with free update by changing filter `cm_typesense_available_post_types` to `cm_typesense_available_index_types`

= 1.2.4 March 31, 2022 =
* Enhancement: WPML support for product attributes and custom taxonomy

= 1.2.3 March 28, 2022 =
* Enhancement: WPML Support for Bulk Index, front end string localization

= 1.2.2 March 24, 2022 =
* Fix: Pagination not working when WPML is added

= 1.2.1 March 22, 2022 =
* Fix: Default sort by not selected

= 1.2.0 March 22, 2022 =
* Enhancement : WPML Compatibility added

= 1.1.2 March 18, 2022 =
* Fix: Sort By not working
* Enhancement: Let users choose default sort by
* Make strings translatable

= 1.1.1 February 16, 2022 =
* Theme compat changes for themes that modify woocommerce_loop_start

= 1.1.0 February 11, 2022 =
* Dev: Update styling to be compatible with version 1.2.3 of core plugin

= 1.0.1 February 9, 2022 =
* Change \”hijack\” word to \”replace\”

= 1.0.0 February 2, 2022 =
* Initial Release

Why Choose Us ?

No Coding Skills Required

From installing theme to setting up demo our themes and plugins are easy. No coding skills required to configure or use whatsoever.

Fully Responsive

Our themes and plugins are fully responsive meaning that, in handheld devices or tablets your site can be easily navigated with no issues to the user.

Fast and Secure

With minimal dependencies and spaghetti code our themes and plugins are built with experienced coders and optimized code. It's simple and fast.

Hooks & Filters

Our themes and plugins are built with developers in mind. So, our themes are built with clean and extendable code for any customizations.

SEO Friendly Ready

We try to maximize our themes with SEO friendly codebase so, that you won't have to worry much about how code might effect your content in SEO ranking.

Automatic Updates

Updates keeps your site clean and fresh for any malicious or outdated coding standards, designs. Our regular updates and upto date documentation got you covered !

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