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Video Conferencing PRO and WooCommerce Bundle

This bundle includes both Video Conferencing Zoom Pro and WooCommerce integration for Zoom for single site.

Note: Free version of Video Conferencing Zoom plugin is required to get started. Download from Link.

Feature Highlights

Automate, create your recurring Zoom Meetings and Webinars and link WooCommerce products directly from you WordPress dashboard.

Recurring Meetings and Webinars

Schedule your Zoom meetings as daily, weekly, or monthly in just a few simple clicks. There are a multiple of ways to set a schedule, the addon enables you to make use of all the possible recurring meeting options available by Zoom


Create purchasable zoom meetings and webinars

Your zoom meetings are automated if you decide to make it purchasable. You can configure this option to make a meeting purchase from your wp-admin > Zoom Meetings > Add new and WooCommerce Integration box section.


This bundle includes both Video Conferencing Zoom Pro and WooCommerce integration for Zoom for single site. These are two separate products and you will need to install and activate them after the purchase.

PRO version allows you to add more settings to your Zoom meetings directly from your WordPress dashboard like – PMI, recurring meetings/webinars, registrations and so on.

WooCommerce integration allows you to sell your Zoom Meetings and Webinars directly from your site.

Why Choose Us ?

No Coding Skills Required

From installing theme to setting up demo our themes and plugins are easy. No coding skills required to configure or use whatsoever.

Fully Responsive

Our themes and plugins are fully responsive meaning that, in handheld devices or tablets your site can be easily navigated with no issues to the user.

Fast and Secure

With minimal dependencies and spaghetti code our themes and plugins are built with experienced coders and optimized code. It's simple and fast.

Hooks & Filters

Our themes and plugins are built with developers in mind. So, our themes are built with clean and extendable code for any customizations.

SEO Friendly Ready

We try to maximize our themes with SEO friendly codebase so, that you won't have to worry much about how code might effect your content in SEO ranking.

Automatic Updates

Updates keeps your site clean and fresh for any malicious or outdated coding standards, designs. Our regular updates and upto date documentation got you covered !

100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee! *

Over the next 14 days, if our product isn't the best fit, simply reach out! We’ll happily refund 100% of your money.