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Video Conferencing with Zoom Pro

Video Conferencing with Zoom Pro enables you to create recurring meetings & webinars, enable registrations, use PMI directly from your WordPress dashboard and more interesting features to come . Simply go with the flow without needing to go back and forth for creating your meetings or webinars. Supports both Webinars and Meetings.

When to go pro ? If you need integration for WooCommerce as well as Video Conferencing Zoom pro plugin then check this bundled product.



Feature Highlights

Automate, create your recurring Zoom Meetings and Webinars directly from you WordPress dashboard. Allows you to enable Zoom Registrations on the fly.

Recurring Meetings and Webinars

Schedule your Zoom meetings as daily, weekly, or monthly in just a few simple clicks. There are a multiple of ways to set a schedule, the addon enables you to make use of all the possible recurring meeting options available by Zoom


All your meetings and webinars in Calendar

Show your meetings via author or all meetings in calendar view with simple shortcode. This way your users can check out your meetings easily. Short description for the meeting can be viewed by clicking the meeting.


Enable Zoom Registrations

Enable registrations for your meetings directly from your WordPress dashboard. Registrations can be used with our WooCommerce addon as well. Registration enables you to enable your users to register to a Zoom Webinar or Meeting first before getting a join link.



With this addon you can enable PMI option for your meetings directly from your WordPress dashboard. This will lock this setting, so whether you are starting the instant meeting on the web, with the Zoom Desktop Client, or with the Zoom mobile app, it will use your Personal Meeting ID.


Import your Zoom Meetings and Webinars

You can import your any meetings/webinars or recurring meetings/webinars via meeting ID or via selection. While in free version only last 300 meetings can be imported – PRO version allows you to import your any meetings and webinars.


Webhooks (Beta)

Webhook functionality can be used to notify your WordPress site to do something when a certain event is triggered in Zoom website. For example: if a user creates a meeting in Zoom website, it will be automatically created on your WordPress site as well.


Free vs Pro

Free Features Pro
Create Meetings and Webinars
Create Categories
List Recordings
Countdown Timer
Template Customization
Developer Friendly
Create Recurring Meetings
Create Recurring Webinars
Show events in Calendar
Import Recurring Webinars
Import Recurring meetings
Add to Calendar Links
Use Personal Meeting IDs
View registrants from Frontend
Duplicate Meetings and Webinars
Quick Updates
Priority Support

Free version of our Video Conferencing with Zoom plugin and a Zoom Account.


To enable Registration on Meetings & Webinars requires a paid Zoom plan https://zoom.us/pricing as of the writing of this document ( August 16th 2020 ) this means at least a Pro user account.

Check here for shortcodes. Check here for more info on the plugin.

You can use recurring meetings & webinars & registrations with your WooCommerce products.

You will need to purchase our Zoom WooCommerce Addon to use this feature.

This plugin supports Webinar Recurring and Registrations as well.

Yes, ICS or Add to Calendar feature is implemented for the Registration Feature. Registration emails will include the add the calendar invitation.

You can import recurring meetings with PRO version. Free version does not allow recurring meetings but adding PRO version allows you to import recurring meeting as well as import via Meeting ID.

You can find detailed documentation from this page.

You can show registration form inline post by checking an option from wp-admin > Zoom Meetings > Settings > PRO tab

Check “inline registration form” option

2024.11.22 – version 1.8.7
* Fix: Issue when multiple registrations happen with single order ( WooCommerce )

2024.10.16 – version 1.8.6
* Fix: Recurring meeting check for ical export

2024.08.29 – version 1.8.5
* Fix: Compatibility Issue with Zoom Integration for WooCommerce for Recurring Webinars

2024.02.26 – version 1.8.4
* Enhancement: Support for viewing Approval list on mobile devices.
* Fix: Error handling for warning

2024.02.09 – version 1.8.3
* Fix: Meeting Import – only Manually adding host id was working, selecting user from dropdown was not

2024.02.06 – version 1.8.2
* Fix: Resolve incompatible archive error introduced in WordPress 6.4.3

2024.01.03 – version 1.8.1
* Enhancement: `vczapi_pro_webhook_skip_meeting` to allow meetings to be skipped. Change listWeek to listMonth to show more meetings in list format.

2023.12.27 – version 1.8.0
* Enhancement: Allow to import via user who aren\’t displayed on dropdown.

2023.09.21 – version 1.7.9
* Enhancement: Added `category` argument to `[vczapi_zoom_calendar]` shortcode – you will need to use the category slug
* Dev: Added `vczapi_pro_calendar_query_args` filter to allow developers to modify the query arguments as required.

2023.09.14 – version 1.7.8
* Fix: Issue with listing of user registrations when registration is cancelled or Zoom event is removed from database

2023.08.23 – version 1.7.7
* Feature: Ability to allow users to select a single occurrence of a recurring meeting.
* Feature: Ability to sell a single occurrence instead of all
* Enhancement: Created new table `$table_prefix`.vczapi_wc_registration to plan for eventual HPOS compatibility.

2023.07.21 – version 1.7.6
* Updated: Helpers and encryption keys made compatible with free version.
* Plugin now requires 4.2.2 free version.

2023.05.18 – version 1.7.5
* Feature: When an order is cancelled or refunded user is deregistered from the meeting.

2023.05.03 – version 1.7.4
* Updated: Compatibility with new changes to Embed Zoom Post shortcode.

2023.03.08 – version 1.7.3
* Fixed: Webhook validation print.

2023.02.27 – version 1.7.2
* Fix: Multiple cart items – continue instead of return for WooCommerce Registration

2023.02.26 – version 1.7.1
* Fix: Return String PHP 7.4 error fix

2023.02.20 – version 1.7.0
* Added: Compatibility join via browser with registrations enabled meetings/webinars.

2023.01.17 – version 1.6.6
* Fixed: PHP notice errors when registration fields are undefined from admin perspective.

2023.01.04 – version 1.6.5
* Added: Webhook Validation flow as per Zoom changes. All webhooks created prior to this date will not require validation unless you make changes to them. Webhook validation will be required for all new and existing webhooks as of October 2023.

2022.12.28 – version 1.6.4
* Fix: Bug fix related to plugin updates.

2022.12.09 – version 1.6.3
* Updated: Message text change for when a user registers into the manual approval type meeting.

2022.12.08 – version 1.6.2
* Fixed: Incorrect join link sent/received when event registration was set to \”manual approve\”.

2022.12.05 – version 1.6.1
* Updated: Sent to admin start link in email made compatible with WooCommerce Integration.

2022.11.01 – version 1.6.0
* Updated: Added secret token for Webhook because Verification token is being deprecated by zoom.

2022.09.28 – version 1.5.29
* Updated: Webhook synced meetings will now have default status set to published.

2022.08.11 – version 1.5.28
* Fixed: Dependency with plugin update 4.0.0

2022.06.09 – version 1.5.27
* Fixed: When added registration shortcode to block editor. Block editor fails to load.

2022.06.08 – version 1.5.26
* Fixed: CSS issue on radio and checkboxes when used with learndash.

2022.06.06 – version 1.5.25
* Fixed: Date showing as next occurence even when the event has ended.

2022.05.31 – version 1.5.22
* Added: Shortcode [vczapi_pro_registration_form] which shows registration form on any page users wants.
* Added: Functionality to manually approve or deny registrants from WordPress admin panel directly.

2022.05.16 – version 1.5.21
* Fix: Add URL for recurring meetings as well

2022.05.12 – version 1.5.20
* Enhancement: Added option to have calendar title be a link or a popup “`[vczapi_zoom_calendar show_calendar_views=\”yes\” show_popup=\”no\”]“`

2022.03.24 – version 1.5.19
* Fix: Added handling for import / webhook sync for recurring meetings

2022.03.21 – version 1.5.18
* Fixed: An issue when duplicating, WooCommerce product is not unlinked.

2022.02.02 – version 1.5.17
* Fixed: An occur related to recurring meeting/webinars when selected \”monthly\” and occurence to last of sunday, it was taking wrong value resulting in first week instead of last.

2021.11.21 – version 1.5.16
* Fix: Plugin activation was not registering cron jobs

2021.09.30 – version 1.5.15
* Feature: Ability to disallow registered users joining from multiple devices.

2021.09.15 – version 1.5.14
* Hotfix: Issue with settings for ical not saving correctly fixed.

2021.09.15 – version 1.5.13
* Dev Feature: Added redirect trigger for when user is successfully registered

2021.08.20 – Version 1.5.12
* Minor Bug Fixes

2021.08.17 – Version 1.5.11
* Fixed: When used Webhook – Multiple same meeting were being created when certain user creates a meeting from WordPress.

2021.08.09 – Version 1.5.10
* Fixed: Fixed a bug where if a meeting has no fixed time selected. After the update and changes to the related meeting, registrations was not working.
* Added: Translations to datatable.

2021.08.06 – Version 1.5.9
* Breaking Change: Individual registration addtional field options.
* Fixed: Minor Bugs

2021.07.30 – Version 1.5.8
* Added: Shortcode to show only registered events [vczapi_registered_meetings]
* Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

2021.07.27 – Version 1.5.7
* Fixed: Showing Registrations extra fields for inline-registration form.

2021.07.19 – Version 1.5.6
* Changed: Registration event text \”meeting\” changed to \”event\”.
* Fixed: Registrations not working when using [zoom_meeting_post] shortcode.

2021.07.07 – Version 1.5.5
* Fixed: Zoom Pro shortcode respects post setting for registering offsite.

2021.07.02 – Version 1.5.4
* Added: Option to send registration users directly to Zoom

2021.04.06 – Version 1.5.3
* Added: Meeting/Webinar registration form fields. Users can enable them from settings page.

2021.03.23 – Version 1.5.2
* Feature: Added Option to select end date for recurring meeting

2021.03.22 – Version 1.5.1
* Fix: Visual Composer issue for Calendars ( Also calendars now work as individual elements – no co-dependency)

2021.03.22 – Version 1.5.0
* Feature: Allow multipe calendars to be added to the same page

2021.03.17 – Version 1.4.9
* Fix: Update correct text domain for pro plugin

2021.03.12 – Version 1.4.8
* Added: \’vczapi_pro_after_user_registered_link\’ filter to change go back link after registration.

2021.03.10 – Version 1.4.7
Added: Support for shortcode to display post type meeting.

2021.03.07 – Version 1.4.6
* Changed: Show both meeting and webinar with one shortcode.

2021.03.03 – Version 1.4.4/1.4.5
* Fixed: Deprecated: Function ReflectionParameter::getClass() to support PHP 8.0
* Fixed: Recurring meeting join links not showing in frontend single pages.

2021.03.01 – Version 1.4.3
* Added: [vczapi_list_meetings] added columns parameter 1,2,3,4
* Added: [vczapi_list_meetings] added show past meetings parameter

2021.02.23 – Version 1.4.2
* Added: Email reminders before 24 hour start of the meeting for registered users.
* Added: If host is assigned to a user – Import option will only show the linked host.

2021.02.18 – Version 1.4.1
* Added: All meeting start time instances when someone registers into the meeting.
* Added: Register now button for shortcode which displays meeting info based on meeting ID [zoom_api_link] or webinar ID [zoom_api_webinar].
* Changed: Register now button will now show always when used [vczapi_list_meetings] shortcode. If registration is enabled ie.
* Added: Webinars import functionality.
* Minor bug fixes.

2021.02.03 – Version 1.4.0
* Fixed: Meeting duration fixed for attached ICS file during registration.
* Added: Create user on WP at the time of registering in a meeting from frontend.
* Fixed: Column layout for shortcode implementation https://zoom.codemanas.com/pro-shortcode/#3-list-meetings-with-register-now-button
* Fixes: Minor bugs

2021.02.01 – Version 1.3.2
* Fixed: List view start time according to ascending or descending for recurring meetings
* Added: Elementor modules for shortcodes.

2021.01.27 – Version 1.3.1
* Fixed: Show calendar locale based on users locale.

2021.01.27 – Version 1.3.0
* Fixed: Calender not showing all occurences of a meeting when meeting start date is before the next month.
* Added: Webhooks ( BETA phase ) – See documentation by going to settings page.
* Added: Inline registration form and Full registration page classes to modify via css.
* Fixed: iCal and gCal duration
* Added: Shortcode which will list meetings and show register now button to directly register events.

2021.01.14 – Version 1.2.3
* Fixed: Inline registration form not working when in webinar registration case.

2021.01.13 – Version 1.2.1 / Version 1.2.2
* Fixed: Meeting page crash in frontend when inline registration form would be shown.

2021.01.12 – Version 1.2.0
* Added: Registration form inline feature.
* Added: Meeting duplicator option

2021.01.06 – Version 1.1.8
* Fixed: Calendar not pulling recurring meeting information
* Added: Shortcode to list of registrants for author events on the frontend using [vczapi_pro_author_registrants]

2020.12.18 – version 1.1.7
* Fixed: Host selection removed if host ID is assigned for the user from HOST to WP page.

2020.12.07 – version 1.1.6
* Added: iCal and Google Calendar import in single meeting page and archive page. Works for recurring meetings as well.
* Fixed: iCal attachment in registration email for recurring meeting.
* Fixed: issue where user would not show up in import page i.e Only if Zoom account has one user.

2020.11.25 – version 1.1.5
* Added: Import recurring meetings from your Zoom to your WordPress site.

2020.11.10 – version 1.1.4
* Feature: Show countdown for join via browser recurring meetings ( required core version 3.6.11 or higher)

2020.11.02 – version 1.1.3
* Fix: Frontend script not enqueued on single Zoom Meeting Page
* Fix: Use vczapi_Dateconverter instead of datetime format

2020.10.30 – version 1.1.2
* Added: Meeting detail field added in confirmation email.

2020.10.29 – version 1.1.1
* Added: Customer first name, last name and meeting ID paramter to confirmation email.
* Fixed: Minor bugs

2020.10.22 – version 1.1.0
* Added: Calendar Shortcode for example: [vczapi_zoom_calendar show_calendar_views=\”yes\”] – See more details about this in the documentation.
* Added: Registration User status change directly from WordPress backend and send cancellation email similary. Users can edit registration cancellation email same way as the confirmation email from the settings page.
* REQUIRES: Free version plugin 3.6.6.

2020.10.15 – version 1.0.2
* Added: Register Email Notification option when creating a meeting. This allows the user to choose default system email or Zoom Email.
* Fixed: Calendar attachment in confirmation email not working all the time due to condition check.

2020.08.15 – version 1.0.1
* Fix: Dependency test correction – do not check for Woo Bookings and Woo Addons unless installed.

2020.08.13 – version 1.0.0
* Initial Release

2020.04.23 – version 1.0.0
* Initial Beta Release


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