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WCFM integration for Zoom

Enables frontend integration for Zoom for WCFM

Free version of Video Conferencing with Zoom API is required to get started. Download from Link.

Requires either Zoom Integration for WooCommerce or Zoom Integration for WooCommerce and Bookings (for Bookable Products) or Zoom for WooCommerce Appointment ( for Appointable Product )

Zoom PRO subscription plan. Β is required for vendors to be able to use their own Zoom Account.

Purchasable meetings with WooCommerce Demo: Here

Supports Zoom Integration for WooCommerce Bookings at the moment.

Feature Highlights

Create, Manage and Link Zoom Meetings with Products

Create Zoom Meetings via Frontend

Frontend interface – to create and manage Zoom Meetings for Vendors using WCFM plugin.


How to Connect Zoom ?

A Zoom tab will be added inside each product like in the backend to link your Zoom meetings to your product via WCFM frontend manager section.


Vendor Assignment

Assign your WordPress users ( Vendors ) as your Zoom Account hosts. You’ll need to add sub-accounts to your main Zoom Account to show your users in Zoom side, which will allow you to link your Zoom User as a WordPress user.


For WCFM Integration: https://zoom.codemanas.com/wcfm/

*** Zoom Integration for WCFM Changelog ***

2024.02.06 – version 1.2.8
* Fix: Incompatible ZIP created while fixing Incompatible Archive Error

2024.02.06 – version 1.2.7
* Fix: Incompatible Archive error fix WordPress 6.4.3

2022.07.28 – version 1.2.6
* Fix: Check if user can upload_files not manage_options

2022.05.04 – version 1.2.5
* Dev Fix: Remove password if not added

2022.05.04 – version 1.2.4
* Minor Enhancement: Do not require password if password requisite is disable in core plugin

2021.10.25 – version 1.2.3
* Feature: Add ability for vendor to add post description and featured image via frontend\”

2021.08.17 – version 1.2.2
* Fix: Incorrect dependency for Zoom for WooCommerce Appointments

2021.08.05 – version 1.2.1
* Dev Update: Refactored dependency check included check for WooCommerce Appointments

2021.07.14 – version 1.2.0
* Feature: Added support for Zoom integration for WooCommerce Appointments

2021.02.17 – version 1.1.2
* Fix: Pagination not working when divided in odd numbers

2020.11.27 – version 1.1.1
* Dev Fix : Edge case issue where timepicker.js was being used from WCFM

2020.11.26 – version 1.1.0
* Feature : WooCommerce Booking Integration for WCFM Frontend

2020.11.24 – version 1.0.6
* Feature: Timezone – select system timezone by default

2020.11.24 – version 1.0.5
Fix: Pagination not working for vendors

2020.08.21 – version 1.0.4
*Fix: Remove notcie for checkbox

2020.08.21 – version 1.0.3
*Fix: Remove notice error for meeting-fields.php password field

2020.08.19 – version 1.0.2
*Fix: Remove notice error for wcfm_endpoint_title

2020.04.24 – version 1.0.1
* Fixed: Checkbox issue for Zoom Interface with latest version of WCFM WooCommerce Frontend Manager

2020.04.24 – version 1.0.0
* Initial Release

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