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Zoom Integration for WooCommerce Bookings allows you to automate 1 to 1 Zoom meetings as well as (New Update from 2.1.0 Group Meetings i.e Max Booking per block (Check FAQ section) directly from your WordPress dashboard by linking zoom meetings to your WooCommerce Booking products automatically when a Booking Product is created. Allows option to choose host from frontend as well.
NOTE: This is a bundled product which has both WooCommerce and WooCommerce booking enabled.
WooCommerce Bookings is a 3rd party plugin and must be purchased separately see it here
If you only need WooCommerce Integration then check this out.
Check this link for example scenario of how this can be useful for WooCommerce Booking: Here
Not sure? This might help https://www.codemanas.com/zoom-and-wordpress-whats-the-right-fit-for-me/
Automate, create and join your zoom meetings directly for WooCommerce or WooCommerce Booking Products ! Never been easier !
You can now have the capability to allow multiple users into the same meeting or allow 1 to 1 user bookings. This is done from a field called “Max bookings per block” under “Availability” section. If you keep this field to 1 then its 1-1 booking otherwise, it will be Same Booking based on time slot selected.
Allow users to choose which host to prefer at the time of booking. To do this, at the time of creating a booking product you’ll need to checkbox an option “Allow customer choose HOST”
With this plugin, your zoom meetings are automated if you decide to make it purchasable. You can configure this option to make a meeting purchase from your wp-admin > Zoom Meetings > Add new and WooCommerce Integration box section.
Compatible with WooCommerce Booking as well. When you create a booking product, you’ll be able to select which host to assign that booking product so that the host can manually start the meeting when a booking is booked.
After a booking is done or a normal meeting is purchased. Users will be able to join their bookings from email link. Zoom meeting will be included in the booking email as well as inside the users my-account > bookings frontend table section. For normal meetings frontend > my-account > meetings section.
Fully compatible with WPML plugin for multi-lingual websites.
Check this code and add it to your functions.php file on your active theme.
Changed API keys
If you have changed your API keys then you’ll need to re-save all your WooCommerce Booking Products in order for the meetings to be created.
Deletion or Changes to Zoom Users ( Host )
In case if you have changed your Zoom User, deleted the user which was previously assigned for a certain product already, meetings won’t be created without re-updating your WooCommerce Booking product.
You’ll need to re-update your product.
We are not affiliated with WooCommerce Bookings and we do not provide any support for WooCommerce Bookings issues or any 3rd party plugins.
Please contact official WooCommerce Bookings support for issues and refund policies.
With new version 2.1.0, yes it is possible to allow multiple bookings in the same meeting.
How ?
Yes webinars are supported for all products.
The answer is yes. If you don’t want WooCommerce Booking then you can use this with WooCommerce alone to make your meetings purchasable. This is a bundled product which has both WooCommerce and WooCommerce booking enabled.
Yes, from version 2.0.0 this supports multiple host booking directly from frontend.
You’ll need to add in valid license key for the plugin to work.
Plugin has two shortcodes which you can get the description of usage from
WP-Admin > Zoom Meetings > WooCommerce page
Currently this plugin only supports Product Vendors (not included with purchase).
*** Zoom Integration for WooCommerce and Booking Change-logs **
2024.02.06 – version 2.8.7
* Fix: Zoom Event Recurring Registration Meeting not properly showing up.
2024.02.06 – version 2.8.6
* Fix: WordPress 6.4.3 Incompatible Archive error
2023.10.02 – version 2.8.5
* Dev: Declare HPOS Compatible
2023.09.08 – version 2.8.4
* Fix: Join via Browser links updated to work with version 4.3.0 and above
* Dev: Required version for Video Conferencing with Zoom API to 4.3.0
2023.05.17 – version 2.8.3
* Dev: Adding booking id as 2nd parameter for `vczapi_woo_addon_meeting_updated` and `vczapi_woo_addon_meeting_created`
2023.01.02 – version 2.8.2
* Fixed: Ability to unhook methods from classes.
2022.12.12 – version 2.8.1
* Fixed: If auto meeting password generation field is checked on settings page – New bookings will not generate password links.
2022.12.09 – version 2.8.0
* Added: Shortcode to show purchased meetings vczapi_wc_show_purchasable_meetings
* Added: Shortcode to show purchased meeting recordings vczapi_wc_show_purchased_recordings
* Minor Bug Fixes.
2022.11.18 – version 2.7.3
* Added: WooCommerce booking reminder emails show join links.
* Some important bug fixes
2022.07.27 – version 2.7.2
* Fixed: \”Click to See All Meeting Occurrences\” did not show all meetings on frontend side.
2022.06.28 – version 2.7.1
* Added: booking_id parameter to vczapi_woo_addon_meeting_title filter.
2022.03.30 – version 2.7.0
* Added Feature: Webinar capability for Booking products
* Fixed: Error debugging message not showing when json_decode fix
2022.03.28 – version 2.6.2
* Fix: Booking confirmed/paid meeting creation trigger issue
* Enhancement: Added support for manual booking creation.
2022.02.04 – version 2.6.1
* Dev: Refactored code for unlinking product
2021.11.15 – version 2.6.0
* Feature: Added Ability to sell cloud recordings separately from Meeting.
2021.11.11 – version 2.5.0
* Feature: Meeting details are updated when meeting is updated
2021.08.26 – version 2.4.3
* Fix: Join Before Host requires waiting room to be disabled.
2021.08.26 – version 2.4.2
*Dev Fix: Namespace error fixed for updater
2021.08.25 – version 2.4.1
*Feature: Check join via browser from core plugin (future proofing)
2021.08.24 – version 2.4.0
*Feature: Updated how debug is shown when there is error when creating a meeting
2021.08.04 – version 2.3.9
*Feature: Add option to force enable participants video
2021.07.21 – version 2.3.8
*Fix: Issue where fatal error was being created when meeting was deleted and WooCommerce Bookings plugin was not activated.
2021.06.09 – version 2.3.7
*Feature: Removed Zoom Connection tab for WooCommerce Products if Appointable Product is selected.
2021.02.04 – version 2.3.6
*Feature: Add Zoom Meeting to Google calendar ( if calendar integration enabled )
2021.01.22 – version 2.3.5
*Feature: Partial french translations added
2021.01.21 – version 2.3.4
*Fix: Edge case handling added for scenario where Products are deleted that doesn\’t trigger post_deleted hook
2021.01.19 – version 2.3.3
* Fix: Refunded emails will no longer get Zoom join links
2021.01.14 – version 2.3.1
* Dev Feature: Added Ability to programmatically enable or disable creating meeting for bookings
2020.12.04 – version 2.3.0
* Updated logic for bookings in different timezones
2020.11.25 – version 2.2.12
* Fix: Remove var dump
2020.11.24 – version 2.2.11
* Dev: Edge case for refunded orders being retrieved
* Fix: Incorrect date time show on cart and checkout updated for uniformity
2020.11.19 – version 2.2.10
* Dev: Added vczapi_before_new_zoom_product_saved and vczapi_before_zoom_product_saved hooks to allow for changes
2020.11.17 – version 2.2.9
* Fix: When Timezone is in clients timezone vs system wrong date/time for meeting was being created with local timezone
2020.11.05 – version 2.2.8
* Feature: Assign Zoom Host to Bookable Resources
2020.11.04 – version 2.2.7
* Fix: Hotfix for email reminders backward compatibility
2020.11.04 – version 2.2.6
* Feature: Compatibility with WooCommerce Integration
2020.10.28 – version 2.2.5
* Fix : enable_woocommerce should be \”on\” – not \”yes\”
2020.10.07 – version 2.2.4
* Fix : Version Bump Issue
2020.10.07 – version 2.2.3
* Feature : Added more robust error handling in case of meeting not created due to configuration errors such as host id missing.
2020.10.05 – version 2.2.2
* Minor Update: Add filter for Join via App [vczoom_join_meeting_via_app_text] change filter for Join via Browser [vczoom_join_meeting_via_browser_text]
2020.09.29 – version 2.2.1
* Fix: Changed logic for deleting meetings for Order and Booking cancellations
2020.08.13 – version 2.2.0
* Feature: Compatibility added with Video Conferencing with Zoom
2020.07.09 – version 2.1.8
* Feature: Ability to add passcode to a bookable product
* Dev: Add parameters to filter `vczapi_woo_addon_create_meeting_params` to make it easier for devs
2020.05.18 – version 2.1.7
* Feature: Add WooCommerce Product Vendor Support
2020.05.15 – version 2.1.6
* Fix: Resolve issue for different timezone for booking.
2020.05.02 – version 2.1.5
* Fix: Resolve JS issue when data-table not present
2020.04.30 – version 2.1.4
* Added: Meeting orders list inside product and meeting post type individual edit page.
2020.04.23 – version 2.1.3
* Added: Compatibility with upcoming recurring module for normal products only
2020.04.20 – version 2.1.2
* Changed: add_query_args when join via browser fix
2020.04.12 – version 2.1.1
* Fix: Issue with timezone not being set properly when \”Display your local time from\” setting was selected in WooCommerce Bookings
2020.04.10 – version 2.1.0
* Added Feature: Allow same meeting links for multiple users if they book it for same host and same time ( Group Bookings ).
* Changed: Join via Browser can be accessed in a meeting without a password now.
2020.04.06 – version 2.0.4
* Crucial Fix Update: Encryption method name changed.
2020.04.01 – version 2.0.3
* Fixed: Hiding meetings tab from wp-admin section resulted in hiding meeting details as well.
2020.03.31 – version 2.0.2
* Fixed: Wrong time showing in Order details – timezone issue
* Fixed: Make value uniform for enable_woocommerce meeting meta
* Fixed: Check disable meeting reminder correctly
* Fixed: Do not show meetings tab on products that do not have meetings assigned.
* Added: Ability to log reminder emails for easier debugging
* Added: Updated Shortcodes and make Shortcodes over writable
* Added: Browser join link in emails as well as my-accounts section
* Added: Disable join via browser link in general tab
* Added: Added hooks for reminder emails
2020.03.27 – version 2.0.1
* Bug Fix: Show links to only paid booking orders.
2020.03.25 – version 2.0.0
* Added: Zoom Meetings post type change directly from WooCommerce for flexibility.
* Added: Variable products will work now with pricing if Zoom Meeting is linked from Product section directly.
* Fixed: Warning error due to array_push() string on file ProductType.php
* Fixed: Minor bug fixes
* Fixed: Add to cart button for Zoom Meetings type.
* Fixed: Adjust validation for Zoom Meetings only
* Shortcode: Added to shortcode to see purchasable products = [vczapi_wc_show_purchasable_meetings]
* Shortcode: Added shortcode to see booked join links list for the user = [vczapi_bookings_customer_list]
* Fixed: Fix product unlink link when product is not zoom meeting
* Feature: Added reminder e-mails option – allow notification emails to be sent for meetings
* Feature: Unlink Zoom Meeting with product when product gets deleted
* Feature: Multiple host choose at the time of booking
2020.03.20 – version 1.1.7
* Added: Single product add to cart button is added now for flexibility when meeting is created from Zoom Meeting side
* Fixed: When multiple bookings were made zoom meetings were not being created for the least ones.
2020.03.12 – version 1.1.5
* Fixed: WPML join and start links not showing for different language.
2020.03.11 – version 1.1.4
* Compatible with WooCommerce 4.0.0
2020.03.04 – version 1.1.3
* Fixed: WPML booking issue where translated product did not have join links in emails.
* Added: Setting Option to disable meetings tab if you use WooCommerce Bookings only to remove confusion.
2020.03.02 – version 1.1.2
* Updated: Chinese translated strings. Thanks to @shiyi
2020.02.28 – version 1.1.1
* Added: Updated text translation strings.
* Added: Price display on buy now button.
2020.02.27 – version 1.1.0
* Added: Integration with WooCommerce and Zoom Meeting Post Type
* Added: WooCommerce zoom meeting product type
* Added: Cron email 24 hours before the meeting.
2020.02.20 – version 1.0.1
* Fixed Autoloading Error PSR-4 Standard on Linux ( FileSystem Folder Naming ) resulting in crashing the site on install and activate.
2020.02.14 – version 1.0.0
* Initial Release
* Support for WooCommerce Bookings
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